Artwork Panels

Well it’s taken a while and a lot of hard work and effort by a lot of people to get these art panels up on the side of the toilets in the park. The journey started back in June last year when we asked for bids to create panels for the sides of the toilets. We had several ambitious ideas but in the end we went with the suggestion by a Moorlands teacher to feature artwork by their children. So we put in a bid to Trafford for an inclusive Neighbourhood grant for £600 and we were successful.

Two hundred and seventy three pieces of artwork later (all individually scanned and resized – we have one from every one of the 270 Moorlands children and 3 from teachers) – we have the panels you see now. The children all visited the park and their visits inspired the amazing work you can see now.

As ever these projects have a habit of running over budget, even with people volunteering their time for free, so a massive thanks is due to The Friends of Worthington Park who stepped in to make up the deficit. A special thanks must also go to Flynn and Piotre who made the frames and installed the panels.

We are planning a special unveiling ceremony soon so look out for details of that. In the meantime we hope you enjoy the panels when you visit the park.